Thursday, June 26, 2014

Recommended Links

A List of Links Related to this Subject:

it comes to the Ordain Women controversy in the LDS Church, here is someone who explains it better than I do:

Talks referenced in the above article:

(Dallin Oaks' talk is required reading, in my humble opinion.)

This blog looks interesting and useful and mentions The Matriarchal Order:

This book is quoted a lot wherever LDS women's issues are discussed:

For the heated and contentious debate where I seem to stand alone against the dark side of the force, get clobbered, and then go down in flames:

I stirred the hornet's nest here promoting the Patriarchal Order of the Priesthood:

My take on The Calling and Election Made Sure:

The thread I started regarding the Matriarchal Order of the Priesthood:

If you have any other links about the Ordain Women movement or the Matriarchal Order of the Priesthood that you think we should know about, please post them here in the comments or over in the thread I started:

Regarding the Ordain Women Public Link:

Today, I found out about Kate Kelly's excommunication.

This saddens and disturbs me, but doesn't surprise me.

I have spent some time over at

I have some major complaints about the group and particularly their website, as some of you can guess.

At their website, they refuse to take or accept any input whatsoever that contradicts their chosen point of view. They refuse to look at any revelations from God that contradict their chosen goals. A Revelation from God cannot help them because it won't be allowed on their website if it contradicts their stated aims and goals.

I can create a profile that they will approve and possibly post, but in that profile I'm required to publicly state why I support Ordination of Women into the Patriarchal Priesthood. I need not bother to create a profile stating why I oppose Ordination of Women, and there is absolutely nowhere that I can reply on their website if I oppose Ordination of Women into the LDS Priesthood.

They are NOT open to revelation, inspiration, insights, ideas, concepts, teachings, guidance, input, constructive criticism, or help if it opposes or contradicts what they are teaching, preaching, and demanding. There's no place there for me to go to try to help them to see any other point of view or to try the help them to see things from a different perspective. They DO NOT want to be exposed to opposing or contradictory revelations, ideas, or thoughts. In other words, they are unteachable, unreachable, and unwilling to learn; and, there's nothing that any of us can do to help them.

That saddens me.

Someone once told me that if the Ordain Women people got exactly what they want, they wouldn't know what to do with it, because they don't know what to do with the things that they already have. They aren't taking advantage of what they already have. And, they don't know how to function within the system that is already established. They are unteachable and unreachable, and thus they are unable to absorb and learn what they already have available to them. So, how are they going to be able to take on more if they are given more? They have walled themselves off where none of us can get to them to help them. If they can't take counsel from their local Bishop, then how will they be able to take counsel from their Stake President when they are Bishops?

I learned long ago that when it comes to the Priesthood of God, there is more there than meets the eye; and, a person has to be willing to keep her mind and heart open if she is going to start to see what any of these hidden things might be. Over on their website, the Ordain Women crowd don't want to look, don't want to see, and don't want any revelations from God or His Servants unless that revelation tells them and grants them exactly what they want to hear and have. They don't want to see things God's way; they only want to have it their way. It's classical self-deception. And, it's working on some of them perfectly.

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