Thursday, June 26, 2014

All in Favor?

All in Favor?:

A part of me would like to see the Ordain Women group get exactly what they are asking for, every bit of it. I'm so curious to see how it would turn out. I would like to see the revelation come down from the Lord to Thomas Monson telling President Monson to ordain women into offices within the Melchizedek Priesthood. Why? Because the perverse and mischievous side of me would like to see how such a revelation would fare when it is presented in LDS General Conference for the sustaining vote of the LDS Church membership.

As any Latter-day Saint knows, such a revelation from God would have to be presented to the Latter-day Saints in LDS General Conference for a sustaining vote, before that revelation can then be canonized into LDS Scripture. How do you think such a vote would turn out within the LDS Church? I'm curious to know.

For example, if President Eyring got up and said, “It has been revealed to us by the Lord, that from this moment forth, the Lord wants women to be ordained as High Priests so that the women can now function as High Priests doing the initiatory work for the males within the House of the Lord. Furthermore, it has been revealed to us by the Lord, that from this moment forward, the Lord wants men to be set apart as Priestesses so that the men can now function as Priestesses in the Houses of the Lord performing initiatory work for the females. All in favor?”

How many hands there in LDS General Conference do you think would go up in favor of such a revelation?

President Eyring: “Any opposed by the same sign”.

How many Latter-day Saints do you think would be opposed to such a revelation from the Lord?

President Eyring: “The vote has been taken, President Monson. It looks as if the voting has been unanimous, in the opposition. The Latter-day Saints unanimously reject this revelation from the Lord. It looks like you will have to take the matter back to the Lord and see what the Lord wants to do about it, because the Saints refuse to sustain it.”

The contrary and curious side of me would like to see such a thing put to the vote, just to see how it would all turn out.

As active Latter-day Saints know, the Bishop of a ward is sometimes called the Father of the ward. So, who would be the Mother of the ward? She would be the Relief Society President.

I have talked with and listened to LDS Bishops, and some of them have told me that their Relief Society President has proven to be more useful to them than their own male counselors. Why? The Relief Society President can go through doors that the men can't get through. In the successful wards and Bishoprics, the Bishop and the Relief Society President become a well-synced team. The Bishops that end up being poor Bishops or failures often fail to learn how to take counsel and guidance from their Relief Society President; they don't learn how to make proper use of their Relief Society President and marginalize her instead.

Once again, the perverse and silly side of me would like to see the Ordain Women groups get exactly what they want. I would like to see what would happen when it is put forward for a sustaining vote among the Latter-day Saints in LDS General Conference.

President Uchtdorf stands and says: “So that we can be like the rest of the Protestant Churches in the world and to achieve equality among our membership, it has been revealed to us by the Lord that from this moment forward, women will be ordained as Bishops in all the LDS wards. From this moment onward, women will be Fathers within their wards. Furthermore, it has been revealed to us by the Lord that men will now be set apart as Relief Society Presidents within their wards, will be Holy Mothers in their wards, and will have direct responsibility for the sisters in the wards. All in favor signify by raising the right hand!”

Up jumps the Ordain Women group. Now for the part that I am curious about. How many other hands will go up, after the gasp has subsided?

President Uchtdorf: “Any opposed?”

So, how many hands do you think would go up in opposition to this revelation from the Lord? The mischievous side of me would like to know.

How do you think the sustaining vote would turn out? Would there be a Proposition #3 added to the LDS Scriptures making women Bishops and Fathers in the LDS Church?

Or, would President Uchtdorf turn to President Monson and say, “President Monson, the majority of the sustaining vote is in opposition to this revelation from the Lord. According to the commandments given to us by the Lord, you now have to take this matter back to the Lord, tell Him that the Saints have rejected this revelation refusing to sustain it, and ask Him for further input regarding the situation.”

If the Latter-day Saints refuse to sustain a revelation from the Lord, then that revelation is not going to be canonized into LDS Scripture. That's the way it works.

The mischievous side of me would like to see how the Ordain Women's petition would turn out when it is presented to the LDS Church membership for a sustaining vote in LDS General Conference. I would like to see what happens when a revelation from the Lord is rejected and the Latter-day Saints refuse to sustain it. The curious side of me wants to know. As far as I know, such a thing has never happened before in LDS General Conference. It would be a very memorable spectacle if it did.

We know that there has been opposition to some things during the sustaining vote at LDS General Conference; but, I have never heard of the opposition being in the majority. The devious part of me would like to see what would happen if the opposition were in the majority during the sustaining vote taken in the LDS Church during General Conference. The curiosity is just killing this cat.

The sane, prophetic, and rational side of me already knows that such a sensational revelation will never ever come from the Lord, a revelation that the majority of the Latter-day Saints will actually refuse to sustain. I already know that the Ordain Women's requests, petitions, and demands will never be put forth to the Latter-day Saints for a sustaining vote in General Conference, because the Lord is at the head of the LDS Church and He has already made up His mind concerning the matter.

Furthermore, the LDS General Authorities will never take this matter to the Lord, because they already know that the Latter-day Saints as a whole will refuse to sustain it and support it.

I wouldn't dare take such a thing before the Lord, because I already know the Lord's mind concerning the matter, by reading the revelations from the Lord that we have already received in the LDS Scriptures. It would be mockery of the Lord for me to take such thing before Him, because He has already spoken in the LDS Scriptures convincingly and conclusively in opposition to what the Ordain Women groups are currently requesting. I wouldn't dare to ask Him to change His mind. I'm not that brave. Silly and stupid? Yes. Brave? No. If I were to ask the Lord for such a thing, all that would be left of me is a skid-mark in the middle of the road.

Oh well, that's the way I see it; but then I have been wrong before, so why not once more?

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