Thursday, June 26, 2014

Please Avoid Excommunication

Please Avoid Excommunication:

Please, if you are falling away from the LDS Church, pray for a change of heart and greater understanding so that you can avoid excommunication. If you have gotten caught in the Satanic Trap and demanding that women be ordained into the Fatherhood Order or the Patriarchal Order of the LDS Priesthood, please study other perspectives and other points of view before allowing yourself to be excommunicated.

All women have already been given the Priesthood by already being set apart to a Priesthood Role. Being set apart by God means to be set apart to a sacred purpose, to be sanctified or to be made holy or to be set aside for a sacred role.

In the pre-mortal realms, every daughter of God had hands laid upon her head, and she was set apart to the Priesthood Function of giving birth to God's spirit children here in mortality. She was set apart or ordained to Motherhood, an Office in the Holy Priesthood. Many people have realized that the Priesthood Function of giving birth to God's children is infinitely more important to the salvation of God's children than anything that a man can be ordained to.

In the pre-mortal life, every daughter of God had hands laid upon her head, and she was set apart to the Priesthood Role of Motherhood. Many people have realized that the Priesthood Role of Motherhood is actually infinitely more important to the salvation of God's children than being ordained to be a Prophet of God or to be set apart as a Dispensation Head.

In fact, a woman doesn't even have to be a Latter-day Saint in order to have authorization from God to function in the Priesthood Role of motherhood and child-bearing. Why? It's because every daughter of God was set apart to this Priesthood Function and Priesthood Role long before she was born here into mortality.

It does indeed sadden me when LDS women are willing and even eager to be excommunicated from the LDS Church because they refuse to see that they have already been given everything that they are asking for and clamoring for. LDS women already have the Priesthood, and already have a Priesthood Role, and already have a Priesthood Function, and have already been set apart to all of this long before they were born. They have already been given everything that they are asking for, and more actually; yet, they refuse to see that it is so. They refuse to see that they have already won, and have already been given everything that they ever wanted.

Instead, they are eager to be excommunicated, to lose their salvation and exaltation, to leave the Lord's Church, and to fight against God and His Prophets rather than realize that they already have the Priesthood, already have access to the whole of the Priesthood, already have a Priesthood Function that is more important than any Priesthood Function that a man can perform, and already have a Priesthood Role that is more important than being a Prophet of God. These women are determined to give it all up despite the fact that they have already been given everything that they are asking for and they were given it long before they were born.

That is indeed heart-breaking. It's amazing what ego and pride can do to us. Pride or stubbornness really is the deadliest of all the sins. I know, because it has come close to destroying me more than once. It does sadden me that many of these women will be excommunicated just because they are determined to see their personal cause through to the very end, even if they lose their salvation and exaltation in the process. If only they could open their eyes and see the truth, before it is too late. All I can do is hope and pray that they will. The rest of it is up to them.

1 comment:

  1. A different, less dense typeface would immensely improve readability.
