Sunday, June 29, 2014

Was Emma Smith Ordained or Set Apart?

Was Emma Ordained or Set Apart?

I know that some will see this as a twisting of things to make them fit my personal interpretation; but, since everyone in the Ordain Women camp loves to make the claim that Emma Smith was ordained, I feel that the subject must be touched upon and another point of view given.

First of all, it must be made clear that in the Protestant Churches, there is absolutely no difference whatsoever between being Set Apart and being Ordained. They see it all as being one and the same. They make no distinction between the two whatsoever.

So, where did most of the early Latter-day Saints originally come from? They came from Protestant Churches. Therefore, by default, the first Latter-day Saints would see absolutely no difference between being Set Apart and being Ordained. Thus, in the early days of the LDS Church you would and should see the two words being used interchangeably because, while the first Latter-day Saints were learning how God really works and what God really wants or really intends, the Saints would naturally make some mistakes and get various terms and ideas mixed up all the time. Even Joseph Smith seemed to use these two words interchangeably for a long period of time.

In the beginning, the Saints were still learning, so they were bound to make some mistakes and to get some things wrong. The early Latter-day Saints were still developing the definitions for a lot of these different things. Even Joseph Smith was making up some things as he went along.

My claim, though, is that even though the early Latter-day Saints might have gotten things mixed up all the time, the Lord did not! The Lord knew exactly what He intended, even if the Latter-day Saints did not.

So, if you had some inexperienced individual like me setting apart a boy into the Aaronic Priesthood and then ordaining that boy into the office of a Deacon, how would that Ordination be recorded in Heaven by the Lord and His Angels? Think about it for a bit.

Here on earth, the Ordination might erroneously be recorded on the books of the Church as the boy being ordained into the office of a Deacon and set apart to the Aaronic Priesthood. However, the Lord knowing the sincerity and righteousness of the act would compensate for the people's lack of understanding; and thus, the Lord would record the Ordination in Heaven as the boy being Ordained into the Aaronic Priesthood and then set apart to the Office of a Deacon. The Lord would know what He intended to see happen, even if the early Latter-day Saints didn't.

I can't discover when it first happened; but eventually, it was revealed to the LDS Apostles that the Lord sees “Setting Apart” and “Ordination” as two completely different things. The Lord sees “Setting Apart” as being something temporary. In contrast, the Lord sees an “Ordination” or an “Ordinance” as something that is meant to be “Established” or “Set Sure”. In other words, the Lord sees Ordinations and Ordinances as something that is meant to be permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting.

Sometime during the ongoing Restoration of the Gospel, we have come to know from the Lord that the Lord Himself makes a definite distinction between Ordination and Setting Apart. That truth has been slowly revealed to us, line upon line, and precept by precept.

So, now we come to the million dollar question. When Emma Smith had hands laid upon her head and she was ordained as the Relief Society President and it was recorded in the records of the Church that she was ordained as the Relief Society President, how was that transaction recorded by the Lord and by the Angels in Heaven? That's what really matters! It doesn't matter if we get the terms wrong or get them right. What matters is how the Lord records things in Heaven. It's the Lord's Priesthood and the Lord's Church; and in the end, it will all be done the Lord's way and according to the Lord's words and terms.

I suggest for your consideration that this particular transaction was recorded on Heaven's books this way: “Today, Emma Smith was set apart by a Melchizedek Priesthood holder as the President of the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Why? It's because the Lord eventually revealed to us that that is the way that He and the Angels recorded that transaction (and all similar transactions) in Heaven when it was presented to Him.

Consequently, if I am called upon to set my wife apart as the Relief Society President of the Ward, and I erroneously yet sincerely say, “I Ordain you to be the Relief Society President of the Ward”, then the Lord will compensate for my mistake and on the Records of Heaven it will be recorded that I, a Melchizedek Priesthood holder, set apart my wife to be the Relief Society President of such and such a ward.

The Lord knows what He intends to see happen, even if we don't. And, the Lord has revealed to the LDS General Authorities over the decades that He doesn't intend for a female to be Ordained into anything within the LDS Church. The Lord has told us that He does not intend for a female to be Ordained (or Set Apart) to the Patriarchal Order or the Fatherhood Order of the Priesthood of God. The Lord has made it abundantly clear that it would make NO sense to do so. It's the Lord's Priesthood and the Lord's Church; and, the Lord knows what He intends to see happen and what He will allow to happen, even if we don't.

In the LDS Church, a female can be Set Apart to various Priesthood Roles, that much is clear; but, the Lord has revealed to us that He does not want us deliberately giving a female the Priesthood or Ordaining a female into the Priesthood. If we were to do so, it would violate His intentions and He wouldn't allow it; and thus, it would NOT be recorded in Heaven as being a valid ordination, even if someone records it as such here on the earth.

That's why there are two records kept of every transaction, Ordination, and Ordinance – one record here on earth and one record in Heaven. The one in Heaven trumps the one here on earth if any disputation or controversy arises. In the end, it will all be done the Lord's way, even if we deliberately intend to do it some other way. If the Lord refuses to record it on the Records of Heaven, then it will not be recorded on the Records of Heaven, even if we record it on our earthly records.

If in the LDS Church we honestly and sincerely yet mistakenly Ordain a woman to something here on the earth, the Lord will compensate for our mistake and record it as a “Setting Apart” on the Records of Heaven and the Book of Life. The Lord knows what He intends to see happen and knows how things should work, even if we don't.

So, was Emma ordained or set apart?

As I see it, the whole issue comes down to how the Lord chose to record the transaction on the Records of Heaven. It doesn't matter what we mere mortals choose to call it. We can call it anything we want, and it won't change what the Lord chose to call it. If the Lord chose to call it an Ordination, then it was an Ordination. If the Lord chose to call it a “Setting Apart”, then it was a “Setting Apart”.

In the final analysis, the Lord Himself seems to be the one who is most concerned about making a distinction between Ordination and “Setting Apart”. We mortals in general aren't all that concerned about making the distinction between the two, unless one of us happens to be an LDS Bishop or an LDS Stake President. I trust God to be able to tell the difference between the two, and to make any necessary adjustments on the Records of Heaven if we mortals occasionally get it wrong.

So, was Emma ordained or set apart?

You will have to ask the Lord. Only the Lord knows how He chose to record that transaction on the Records of Heaven. However, I do suggest that the Lord has already revealed to us how He recorded that particular transaction (and similar transactions) on the Records of Heaven and in the Book of Life, because the Lord seems to be intent on making a definite distinction between Ordinations and “Setting Aparts”; and thus, the Lord would definitely know the difference between the two and how He wants things to be recorded on the Records of Heaven.

I trust God to be able to tell the difference between the two and to make any necessary adjustments on the Records of Heaven so that all things will be done His way, the right way. I put all of this into the hands of the Lord, because it is His Church and His Priesthood, after all. He knows what He is doing, how He wants things to go, how He wants things done, and how He wants things recorded, even if we don't. Therefore, when it comes to this matter, I place the burden of proof into the hands of the Lord; and, I also trust that if He doesn't like the way things are going, then He will speak up and say so, through His designated channels. Even if we mess it all up, trust God to set it right and true in the end. Trust God to get it right.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Recommended Links

A List of Links Related to this Subject:

it comes to the Ordain Women controversy in the LDS Church, here is someone who explains it better than I do:

Talks referenced in the above article:

(Dallin Oaks' talk is required reading, in my humble opinion.)

This blog looks interesting and useful and mentions The Matriarchal Order:

This book is quoted a lot wherever LDS women's issues are discussed:

For the heated and contentious debate where I seem to stand alone against the dark side of the force, get clobbered, and then go down in flames:

I stirred the hornet's nest here promoting the Patriarchal Order of the Priesthood:

My take on The Calling and Election Made Sure:

The thread I started regarding the Matriarchal Order of the Priesthood:

If you have any other links about the Ordain Women movement or the Matriarchal Order of the Priesthood that you think we should know about, please post them here in the comments or over in the thread I started:

Regarding the Ordain Women Public Link:

Today, I found out about Kate Kelly's excommunication.

This saddens and disturbs me, but doesn't surprise me.

I have spent some time over at

I have some major complaints about the group and particularly their website, as some of you can guess.

At their website, they refuse to take or accept any input whatsoever that contradicts their chosen point of view. They refuse to look at any revelations from God that contradict their chosen goals. A Revelation from God cannot help them because it won't be allowed on their website if it contradicts their stated aims and goals.

I can create a profile that they will approve and possibly post, but in that profile I'm required to publicly state why I support Ordination of Women into the Patriarchal Priesthood. I need not bother to create a profile stating why I oppose Ordination of Women, and there is absolutely nowhere that I can reply on their website if I oppose Ordination of Women into the LDS Priesthood.

They are NOT open to revelation, inspiration, insights, ideas, concepts, teachings, guidance, input, constructive criticism, or help if it opposes or contradicts what they are teaching, preaching, and demanding. There's no place there for me to go to try to help them to see any other point of view or to try the help them to see things from a different perspective. They DO NOT want to be exposed to opposing or contradictory revelations, ideas, or thoughts. In other words, they are unteachable, unreachable, and unwilling to learn; and, there's nothing that any of us can do to help them.

That saddens me.

Someone once told me that if the Ordain Women people got exactly what they want, they wouldn't know what to do with it, because they don't know what to do with the things that they already have. They aren't taking advantage of what they already have. And, they don't know how to function within the system that is already established. They are unteachable and unreachable, and thus they are unable to absorb and learn what they already have available to them. So, how are they going to be able to take on more if they are given more? They have walled themselves off where none of us can get to them to help them. If they can't take counsel from their local Bishop, then how will they be able to take counsel from their Stake President when they are Bishops?

I learned long ago that when it comes to the Priesthood of God, there is more there than meets the eye; and, a person has to be willing to keep her mind and heart open if she is going to start to see what any of these hidden things might be. Over on their website, the Ordain Women crowd don't want to look, don't want to see, and don't want any revelations from God or His Servants unless that revelation tells them and grants them exactly what they want to hear and have. They don't want to see things God's way; they only want to have it their way. It's classical self-deception. And, it's working on some of them perfectly.


A great work still in progress.

I have already put pieces of this out there on LDS Freedom Forum, testing the waters.

Endowed Receive RIGHTS to Priesthood Blessings

The Endowed LDS Women Already Have the Priesthood:

I have heard it stated many times that the Endowed LDS Women already have the Priesthood of God or already have full access to the Priesthood of God. I believe the contention can be sustained.

When Latter-day Saints are Endowed with Power in the LDS Church they receive a RIGHT to Priesthood Blessings, whether they are male or female. They receive a RIGHT to further Ordinations and Ordinances in the Holy Priesthood to be performed at some time in the future or the next life. They retain their RIGHTS to Priesthood Blessings by keeping their Covenants and obeying God's Commandments.

The endowed LDS women already have the Priesthood or authorization to function in Priesthood roles. They are set apart to be Queens and Priestesses and Prophetesses and eventually Goddesses while they are receiving their Temple Endowments. They get it all, if they remain true and faithful to their Temple Endowments. The Priesthood is the power of God, and any kind of endowment from God is an endowment of power from God. The Sister missionaries enter the mission field endowed with Priesthood power and Priesthood authority to function as LDS missionaries or to function in a Priesthood role.

The Original Poster and friends assume that the LDS Prophets haven't already asked the Lord about giving the women the Priesthood. But, I know of a surety that they are already aware of the Ordain Women controversy and have already asked the Lord what He wants them to do about it.

Dallin Oak's talk makes all of this very clear, that the matter has already been settled by the Lord Himself. Dallin Oaks said that the Priesthood is the Lord's and does not belong to any of the LDS Apostles, so the LDS Apostles do not have the right or authority to grant the Priesthood Offices to women or to ordain women to the Priesthood, because the Lord has never given the LDS Apostles the right or authorization to do so. The LDS Apostles can only set apart women to function in Priesthood roles or authorize them to function in Priesthood roles; the LDS Apostles cannot ordain women to Priesthood Offices, because the Lord won't allow it.

This whole question was asked, answered, and settled six thousand years ago when Christ Jehovah or God the Father ordained Adam to the Priesthood and did not ordain Eve. The same answer and the same revelation has remained in place ever since, within the True Church of God.

Dallin Oaks was saying as much.

Dallin's words do not need to become proclamation #3 in order for it to become binding on the church. Why? Because no change in Eternal Policy is being made here. The women have never been ordained into offices of the Priesthood of God for the whole of Eternity, and never will be. Instead, they will be granted and have been granted authority to act in Priesthood roles from all Eternity to all Eternity. Prophetesses are married to Prophets or they receive their Temple Endowments, and thereby, they gain authority from God to act in Priesthood roles whenever proper and necessary to do so, through the guidance of their husbands or their Priesthood Leaders.

There will be no proclamation #3 giving the right to ordain women to Priesthood Offices in the LDS Church. The Lord won't allow it. Dallin Oaks was saying as much. How do we know that it is the will of the Lord, the mind of the Lord, and the choice of the Lord? How do we know that there will be no further revelation on the matter and no proclamation #3? We know by the fact that there were 11 other LDS Apostles and 3 members of the First Presidency present when the speech was given, and NONE of them stood up and corrected Dallin Oaks after he gave his talk.

Case closed.

They will continue to do it the Lord's way.

Eternal and Everlasting

Eternal and Everlasting:

Okay, something told me that in this thread we were heading to Ordinations, Endowments of Power, and things that are meant to be Eternal and Everlasting. Just know that I have no authorization from the LDS Church to say what I am going to say here, but I hope and pray that it will be the word of God on the matter.

Being “set apart” to something, like a Priesthood Role, is meant to be temporary.

An “ORDINATION” or “Ordinance” or “Being Ordained” is meant to be permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting, just like God the Father and Goddess the Mother. Since an Ordination is meant to be permanent and Everlasting, the things that we are ordained unto have to make logical sense. ORDINATION means that you have a right unto it.

What are some of the things that God the Father was Ordained unto? Fatherhood, Godhood, Patriarchy, and the Priesthood. It makes logical sense. God the Father has a logical right unto these things. God the Father was Ordained unto things that He really IS. Since these kinds of things were Ordinations, they were meant to be permanent, Eternal, Unchanging, and Everlasting. It all became a permanent part of who God the Father REALLY IS. The Priesthood of God IS God the Father. His Priesthood IS fatherhood and patriarchy. It makes logical sense, and it's meant to be permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting.

So, what was Goddess the Mother ORDAINED unto? She did indeed receive an Ordination, something meant to be permanent and Everlasting, so what was it? Heavenly Mother had hands laid on Her head, and she was ORDAINED unto Motherhood, Goddess-hood, Matriarchy, and the Matriarchal Order. It makes logical sense. Heavenly Mother has a right unto these things. Heavenly Mother was Ordained unto the things that She REALLY IS. These kinds of things were Ordinations unto her, because they were meant to be permanent, Eternal, Unchanging, and Everlasting. All of these things became a permanent part of who Heavenly Mother REALLY IS. The Matriarchal Order or Matriarchy IS Goddess the Mother. Her Ordination IS motherhood and matriarchy. It makes logical sense, and it's meant to be permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting.

Heavenly Mother was ORDAINED unto Motherhood, Matriarchy, the Priestess-hood, and the Matriarchal Order. It literally became the core and the essence of who She IS, because it was permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting without end.

Ordinations are always associated with some kind of Ordinance or Endowment of Power, because they are meant to be permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting. If someone tells you that Ordinations are NOT meant to be Eternal, then you know that it is NOT God who is speaking to you through that person. It's a sure sign. Why? It's because God the Father and Goddess the Mother ARE Eternal and Everlasting.

So, in the True Church of Jesus Christ, what are some of these various Ordinances and Ordinations that are meant to be permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting?

Baptism into the LDS Church by real Priesthood Authority.
The Gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands and real Priesthood Authority.
Priesthood Ordinations unto Fatherhood or Patriarchy, by the laying on of hands and real Priesthood Authority.
Washings and Anointings to become Priests and Priestesses, Kings and Queens, which are the initiatory work in the Temples of God.
The New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage and other Temple Sealings, ordinances performed in the House of the Lord.
Calling and Election Made Sure by the Holy Spirit of Promise.

All of these things are meant to be permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting; and, they become permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting when they are Sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. What does it mean to be Sealed? It means to be made permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting. So, whenever someone comes to you telling you that Priesthood Ordinations have nothing to do with Heaven or Eternity, then you know with a sure knowledge that their message is NOT coming from God the Father. An Ordination or Ordinances is meant to be permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting.

Of course, it all has to make logical sense, too.

Would God the Father ever ordain a woman unto fatherhood, or patriarchy, or the Patriarchal Order? NO! Why? Because it makes no logical sense to do so.

By the way, there you have The Revelation from God that some of the Ordain Women groups are seeking.

Would Goddess the Mother ever ordain a man unto motherhood, or matriarchy, or the Matriarchal Order? NO! It would make no logical sense to do so.

God the Father and Goddess the Mother ORDAIN women unto Motherhood, Goddess-hood, the Priestess-hood, Matriarchy, and the Matriarchal Order, which is something that is meant to be permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting for the females or God's Daughters. It makes logical sense to do so.

ALL of the spirits daughters of God were Fore-Ordained unto Motherhood, Matriarchy, and the Matriarchal Order while they were still there in the Pre-mortal Realms. The females received their Ordinations while they were still there in Heaven before ever coming here to earth. Ordinations are meant to be Eternal and Everlasting. But, there were many Fore-Ordinations that the men were NOT fore-ordained unto in the pre-mortal realms, which is why the men have to be Ordained unto some of these things while they are here in mortality. Once a Bishop, always a Bishop. Once an Apostle, always an Apostle. Once you are ordained into the Melchizedek Priesthood, you are meant to remain there for the rest of Eternity.

Now that I have stepped up to the edge, I will now jump over into the speculation, where there is NO direct scriptural support in the LDS Scriptures or Temple Endowment or Temple Initiatory work.

I personally believe that it is possible that Heavenly Mother is a power or an authority unto Herself, and thus She can lay hands onto the Daughters of God and Fore-Ordain and even Ordain Her daughters into Motherhood, Matriarchy, Priestess-hood, Goddess-hood, and the Matriarchal Order. Yes, God the Father still presides in Heaven, but I believe that Mother in Heaven has power to function without permission or has permanent permission to function in Her Ordination as She sees fit.

Some people are uncomfortable with this idea. I used to have some reservations as well. So, if you are uncomfortable with any of these ideas, then look upon Motherhood or Matriarchy as a permanent Office in the Holy Priesthood of God.

When Mother in Heaven was permanently ORDAINED unto Motherhood and Goddess-hood, I think most of us tend to visualize God the Father laying His hands on Her head and Ordaining Her permanently into that Position or Role.

However, I also visualize another possibility. I visualize that it was possible that our Heavenly Mother was ORDAINED unto Motherhood and Matriarchy by her own Mother in Heaven. Once Heavenly Mother has been ORDAINED into the Matriarchal Order, then that becomes what She REALLY IS. She becomes the High Priestess of Motherhood and the Matriarchal Order; and thus, I believe that She can lay hands on Her daughters and Fore-Ordain them unto motherhood here on earth, and eventually permanently ORDAIN them unto Motherhood and the Matriarchal Order there in Heaven as well. Once Heavenly Mother has been ORDAINED unto these things, then She has the right to lay on hands and ordain others unto the same Callings, Elections, Ordinances, and Ordinations.

If someone tells you that Ordinations are NOT meant to be permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting, then you know that what they say is NOT from God.

I tend to believe that the Patriarchal Order and the Matriarchal Order are separate and distinct, Laws unto themselves. It's when they combine their efforts that the magic truly happens!

Are there Offices in the Matriarchal Order? I would assume that there are. We could speculate from now until the end of our lives trying to ascertain what they are, so I won't go into any of that here. There is no point in doing so.

Here on earth in the LDS Church, Priesthood and Priesthood Ordinations ARE fatherhood and patriarchy. In the LDS Church, men are Ordained unto fatherhood, patriarchy, and the Patriarchal Order. If you see things being done some other way, then you KNOW that it is not from God, because God the Father is permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting; and, so are His Priesthood Ordinations and Ordinances once they have been Sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. Once again, what does it mean to be Sealed? It means to be made permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting. What does it mean when something is made Sure? It means that it was made permanent, Eternal, and Everlasting.

Not sure about any of this? Then study the writings and teachings and words of the LDS Apostles, and then ask God, the True Source of ALL knowledge.

Truth in Heaven

Truth in Heaven Forevermore:

A “hood” is a body of persons of a particular class or type. A “hood” is a group. Therefore, a motherhood is a group of mothers. A priesthood is a group of male priests. A neighborhood is a group of neighbors.

In Heaven, Motherhood resides with the females, the Goddesses. NO man has a right unto it. In the LDS Church, we call these people Mother in Heaven or Heavenly Mothers. Some people have taken to calling them Priestesses, Prophetesses, or Goddesses.

In Heaven, Priesthood and Priesthood Ordinations reside with the males, the Gods. NO woman has a right unto it. In the LDS Scriptures, the Ordained Priests and the Gods are always male, and always will be.

In the English language, the Goddesses are female, and the Gods are male. Therefore, the mothers are female, and the fathers are male. In churches that have Fathers as a church position, their Fathers are all supposed to be male, unless the system is seriously messed up. If you see women being ordained as Bishops or as Fathers, then you automatically know that Satan has gotten a hold of that church and severely corrupted it.

The ironic thing is that Satan is totally unwilling to share his powers and priesthoods with anyone. We already know instinctively that Satan is not giving any of his priesthoods or powers to women there in hell. He's keeping it all for himself. In this thing, he is actually following the examples of his Fathers. Satan is often known to do the right thing, but for the wrong reasons.

The Patriarchal Order:

What does Patriarchal Order really mean? It means that the Priesthood of God will always run in order through the Patriarchs. Priesthood Ordinations will ALWAYS form a Patriarchal Lineage, a line of Patriarchs. There will NEVER ever be any matriarchs in the line whatsoever, because it is a Patriarchal Order.

The word “order” can also mean the same thing as “hood”, a group of like things. Therefore, the Patriarchal Order is also a Patriarchal-hood, a group of Patriarchs.

A patriarch is a father.
A matriarch is a mother.

Patriarchs will always be male. Matriarchs will always be female.

ONLY males will ever be ordained to the Patriarchal Order or Patriarchal Lineage from now on and for the rest of Eternity.

ONLY females will be set apart to Motherhood or ordained to Motherhood from now on and for the rest of Eternity.

Only if these things have been severely corrupted by Satan will you see otherwise, among the human family.

The ONLY way that females get involved in the Patriarchal Order is through the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage. In fact, the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage is the ONLY proper way for the males to get involved in Motherhood.

There are NO women in Heaven who have been ordained into the Patriarchal Order, and there never will be. There are NO men in Heaven who have been ordained into Motherhood, and there never will be.

The Priesthood IS fatherhood. The Priesthood IS Patriarchy. The Priesthood IS God the Father. The Priesthood or Patriarchy is the very essence of who God the Father really truly IS. God the Father cannot change whom or what He really IS. In the True Church of God, what are the men and the boys ordained unto? The males are ordained unto Fatherhood, Patriarchy, the Priesthood of God the Father. It IS the essence of who and what they really are. Fatherhood, or Priesthood, or Patriarchy, or Father in Heaven is at the very core of who and what the men or the males REALLY ARE. Truth is things as they really are.

In Heaven, the Matriarchy IS motherhood. Being Heavenly Mother IS Matriarchy. The Matriarchy IS Mother in Heaven. Motherhood or the Matriarchy is the very essence of who Goddess the Mother really truly IS. Mother in Heaven cannot change whom or what She really IS. In Heaven, the True Church of God, what are the women and the daughters ordained unto? The females in Heaven are ordained unto Motherhood or Matriarchy, and they are meant to become Mothers in Heaven. It IS the essence of who and what they really are. Motherhood, or Priestesses-hood, or Matriarchy, or Mother in Heaven is at the very core of who and what the women or the females REALLY ARE. Truth is things as they really are.

How's that for a revelation?

Seeking the Truth:

D&C 93: 24: And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come.

If something is true, then it NEVER changes. It holds true forever.

This scripture tells us that truth IS the way that all things will be in Heaven. If we want to know the Truth, then we seek for the way that things have always been done in Heaven and will always be done in Heaven. Truth is Heaven, and Heaven is Truth. How can we see how things will really be in Heaven? One way to discover truth is to look at the way that the Lord has done things in the past. If it is true or if it is real or if it is everlasting, then the Lord will continue to do those things the way that they have always been done; and, He will continue to do them that way forevermore.

Truth: Ordinations into the Priesthood of God is ONLY for the fathers, the males. It has been that way forever, and it will be that way forevermore. There are NO female Priests, or Bishops, or Fathers, or Apostles, or Gods in Heaven; and, there never will be.

Truth: Ordinations into Motherhood is ONLY for the mothers, or the females. It has been that way forever, and it will be that way forevermore. There are NO male Mothers in Heaven. There are NO male Priestesses, Prophetesses, or Goddesses in Heaven; and, there never will be.

Truth IS the way things really are in Heaven.

If something is really true, then it NEVER changes! God is Truth, because when it comes to the truth, God NEVER changes His mind.

Can you sense the truth of it?


There used to be a time when these concepts and principles were common knowledge among the Latter-day Saints.

Abraham 1: 26: Pharaoh, being a righteous man, established his kingdom and judged his people wisely and justly all his days, seeking earnestly to imitate that order established by the fathers in the first generations, in the days of the first patriarchal reign, even in the reign of Adam, and also of Noah, his father, who blessed him with the blessings of the earth, and with the blessings of wisdom, but cursed him as pertaining to the Priesthood.

President James E. Faust, The Key of the Knowledge of God, Ensign (CR), November 2004, p.52:

The patriarchal order runs from Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob. Through the line of the priesthood it continues in our own day and time. Through the ages, blessings and promises were given from the fathers to their faithful sons.

Joseph F. Smith, "The Rights of Fatherhood," Juvenile Instructor, 1 Mar. 1902, 146:

There is no higher authority in matters relating to the family organization, and especially when that organization is presided over by one holding the higher priesthood, than that of the father. … The patriarchal order is of divine origin and will continue throughout time and eternity. There is then a particular reason why men, women, and children should understand this order and this authority in the households of the people of God, and seek to make it what God intended it to be, a qualification and preparation for the highest exaltation of His children. In the home the presiding authority is always vested in the father, and in all home affairs and family matters there is no other authority paramount.

Elder Charles Didier, Remember Your Covenants, Ensign (CR), May 1994, p.42:

Another determining factor in my conversion was the Church as a divine institution led by the authority of the priesthood. It provided the framework that I needed for support as a member of that covenant group. I could not save my family by myself.

Elder John A. Widtsoe wrote: "The Church, the community of persons with the same intelligent faith and desire and practice, is the organized agency through which God deals with His children and presents His will. Moreover, the authority to act for God must be vested on earth in some one organization and not independently in every man. The Church through the Priesthood holds this authority for the use of man" (Priesthood and Church Government, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1939, p. 180).

The Church provides a unique support for individuals and families to do things that they cannot do by themselves, such as receiving the essential ordinances of salvation. It brings temporal relief in times of hardship. It is also a laboratory outside of the home where we can serve, learn, and practice charity, the pure love of Christ.

I also found in this church that the priesthood has a patriarchal order and that God is a God of order. He is at the head, and following this pattern, the priesthood is conferred upon worthy men so they can preside in their homes and families. The husband and father, a patriarch, is to preside in righteousness and exercise the power of his priesthood to bless his wife and family. The husband and wife serve as partners in governing their family, and both act in joint leadership and depend on each other. They are united in the vision of their eternal salvation, one holding the priesthood, the other honoring and enjoying the blessings of it. One is not superior or inferior to the other. Each one carries his or her respective responsibilities and acts in his or her respective role.

Much more could be said about the priesthood and its uniqueness, the divine commission given to man through which he acts in the plan of salvation. In essence, therein is the true doctrine of the Father, the irreversible correct principles to govern ourselves, and the know-how to act upon the law and commandments that we were given.

In this age of increased individualism and selfishness, opinions now matter more than facts or doctrine; attitudes glorify personal choice above other values and principles; and language is typified by "I don't need anyone to tell me how to be saved; I don't need prophets, seers, or revelators to tell me what God expects of me; I don't need to attend church meetings, to hear talks, or to be challenged.

Today the concept of priesthood and Church authority is on trial by the world and even by some members who think that the Latin expression vox populi, vox Dei can be literally interpreted in the Church as "the voice of the people is the voice of God." The commercial slogan "Have it your way" certainly does not apply in God's plan for the salvation of his children when we read that the very cause of apostasy is when "every man walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own god" (D&C 1:16). How do you overcome the temptation to have it your own way, to satisfy your own appetites, and to follow the world's trends?

One of my simple answers tonight is to constantly remember your covenants, to act on them, and to commit to them. This sequence, as repeatedly stated in the scriptures, is a classic, spiritual teaching pattern to prepare us for eternal life. It is centered upon Christ and his doctrine and teachings. I will remember them forever.

I testify that Jesus lives, that this is the only true church, that the priesthood of the Son of God is vested herein, and that prophets, seers, and revelators who preside over this church are appointed to preserve the pure doctrine of Jesus Christ and the authority of his priesthood for the salvation of his people. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Shirley W. Thomas, An Opportunity for Continual Learning, Ensign (CR), November 1981, p.101:

Women in the Church are familiar with the terms patriarch and patriarchal order. We associate them with things eternal and the work of the priesthood in our homes and in the Church.

We do not speak much of matriarchs; we call them instead, mothers. The mother is the counterpart to the patriarch of a home. Mothering is also an eternal, fundamental work. It has to do with bringing life and love, and it is largely learned.

Elder James A. Cullimore, Home Teachers-Watchmen over the Church, Ensign (CR), January 1973, p.124:

President Joseph F. Smith told us, "The very foundation of the kingdom of God, of righteousness, of progress, of development, of eternal life, and eternal increase in the kingdom of God is laid in the divinely ordained home." (Hugh B. Brown, in Conference Report, October 2, 1966, pp. 103-104.)

President Harold B. Lee said recently, "The most important of the Lord's work will be that which we do within our own homes." (Regional Representatives Seminar, April 7, 1972, p. 2.)

We are told that each family in the Church is really a kingdom or government within itself. The father, by virtue of the priesthood of God that has been bestowed upon him, is the head of that government. This is what constitutes patriarchal office in the family. Originally it was the only government on the earth and was passed down from Adam to his descendants. Eventually, as society became more complex, the manner of governing the people of the earth had to change, but as far as the Church is concerned, the same order exists within the families as God set it up originally with Father Adam. And this same order will extend into the eternities. (See Millennial Star, vol. 14, p. 290.)

Elder William J. Critchlow Jr.

Elder William J. Critchlow, Jr., Conference Report, October 1963, Afternoon Meeting, p.26-30:

Over a score or so of years, I promoted and sold something I have never seen; I didn't even know what it was-I still don't. I have not only never seen it; I have tried assiduously to avoid touching it. Once, stringing lights on a Christmas tree, I accidentally got my finger in an empty socket, oh, I felt it!

Who really knows what electricity is? We know what it can do. It lights this building; it lights our homes; it lights our streets; it runs our factories and our mills; it affords us lovely music, radio, television, and a score of wonderful appliances in our homes, but who really knows what this great power called electricity, actually is?

Over the same score or so of years, I promoted another something which I have never seen; I don't really know what it is. I have not only never seen it; I have never heard it; I have never smelled it; I have never tasted it; I have never touched it, but on occasions it has touched me. More than once, as I officiated in priesthood ordinance work, I have felt it.

Who really knows what this great power of the priesthood is? We know what it can do. By that power this and other worlds were created and will be redeemed (JD 15, 127; 24, 242); by that power the city of Enoch was taken up to heaven (Joseph Smith's Teachings, p. 170), by that power the waters of the Red Sea were parted to liberate Israel; by that power Elijah sealed the heavens so that no rain or dew fell upon the earth; by that power Brigham Young rebuked the frost and the sterility of the soil, and this valley became fruitful. Two thousand years ago, one possessing that power gave new eyes to the blind, new legs to the halt, turned water into wine, walked on the water, cleansed lepers, cast out evil spirits, fed thousands by blessing a few loaves and fishes, restored life to the dead. Two thousand years later-even today-bearers of that same priesthood power, again cast out devils, restore health to the sick, and in other ways employ that power. Employing it, a young man, Nephi by name, once shocked hi assailants into submission by pointing his hand at them. The assailants were his brothers. (1 Nephi 17:53.)

Again, let me ask who, among all mortal men, really knows what this marvelous priesthood power actually is? Obviously it is power; its source, obviously, too, is God. Why not call it then for what it truly is-the power of God? (CR, Joseph F. Smith, p. 5, October 1904.) President John Taylor so called it saying, "It is nothing more nor less than the power of God." (John Taylor, Gospel Kingdom, p. 129.)

Priesthood is more than power – it is authority. Quoting President Joseph F. again: "It is . . . the power of God delegated to man by which man can act in the earth . . . in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, and act legitimately, . . ." (Op. cit., Joseph F. Smith, p. 5, October 1904.) He also said: "The Priesthood in general is the authority given to man to act for God.... But it is necessary that every act performed under this authority shall be done at the proper time and place, in the proper way, and after the proper order. The power of directing these labors constitute the keys of the Priesthood. In their fullness these keys are held by only one person at a time, the prophet and president of The Church." (The Improvement Era 4, 230.)

President David O. McKay holds all of the keys of the priesthood. He or his predecessors in office have directly (personally) or indirectly (by delegating authority to others) conferred keys upon temple presidents, stake presidents, mission presidents, quorum presidents, bishops, and others. "No man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron." (Heb. 5:4.) "We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands, by those who are in authority to . . . administer in the ordinances thereof." (5th Article of Faith.) Aaron was so called and ordained. (D&C 27:8.)

"Some suppose this authority may be derived from the Bible," said President Joseph F. Smith, "but nothing could be more absurd. . . . If by reading and believing the Bible this authority could be obtained, all who read and believed would have it-one equally with another. . . . God Almighty is the only source from whence this knowledge, power and authority can be obtained, . . . The Scriptures may serve as a guide to lead us to God, . . . but they can do no more." (JD 19, 191.)

Priesthood is eternal and everlasting. The Prophet Joseph Smith said, "The Priesthood is an everlasting principle, and existed with God from eternity, and will to eternity, without beginning of days or end of years. . . ." Adam obtained the priesthood "in the Creation, before the world was formed." He (Adam) stands at the head as the presiding high priest (under Christ) over all the earth for all ages. (Joseph Smith's Teachings, pp. 157-158.) This priesthood of the holy order, known later as the Melchizedek Priesthood, continued in patriarchal order without a break with Adam's worthy descendants until the day of Moses. (D&C 84:6-16; 107:41-53.)

Through Moses the Lord attempted to set up the house of Israel soon after their liberation from Egyptian bondage as a kingdom of priests of this holy patriarchal order. He sent Moses down from the Mount with tablets of stone upon which were inscribed principles of salvation, but seeing the people engaged in idol worship, Moses dashed the tablets to the ground, breaking them into fragments. Again, the Lord called Moses up on the Mount, and there he rewrote with his finger on tablets which Moses had prepared the Ten Commandments; but he deleted this time the salvation principles which necessitated priesthood of the holy patriarchal order, denying thereby his children the Melchizedek Priesthood. Later he removed Moses, who held the Melchizedek Priesthood, thus leaving Israel with only a Lesser Priesthood, called the Aaronic Priesthood, after Aaron upon whom it was conferred. (Exod. Inspired Version. 34:1-2; D&C 84:17-25.) From that time on until the Savior's ministry on earth, this was generally the prevailing athority of God on the earth.

Jesus restored at his coming the Higher Priesthood, he being "the Great High Priest, forever after the order of Melchizedek," (Joseph Smith's Teachings, p. 158, Heb. 5:6; 2:17-18) but after the passing of his apostles there was no one left holding the keys, to authorize the ordination of any mortal man to any office in either priesthood. The apostate world accordingly was left without priesthood for about sixteen long, dark centuries. Then in May 1829 the Lord sent John the Baptist, a firstborn, literal descendant of Aaron, who held the keys of the Aaronic or Lesser Priesthood, to restore that priesthood. He also sent, soon after, the Apostles Peter, James, and John, who held the keys of the Higher or Melchizedek Priesthood, to restore that priesthood. The recipients of both priesthoods were the great American Prophet Joseph Smith and his associate Oliver Cowdery.

From Adam to Moses the existent priesthood was patriarchal or Melchizedek or the Holy Priesthood – all one and the same. Those who held it were high priests and patriarchs – it had no appendages. From Moses to Jesus the prevailing priesthood was Aaronic – sometimes called Levitical. The firstborn sons of Aaron's posterity were the "high priests" (higher priests in the Aaronic Priesthood); the sons of Levi were their assistants. Appendages to both priesthoods were added by our Lord who gave his Church in Palestine apostles, bishops, evangelists, high priests, seventies, elders, priests, teachers, and deacons. He similarly perfected his Church upon this American continent when he appeared here after his crucifixion and resurrection in Jerusalem.

"The holy Priesthood is a system of laws and government that is pure and holy; . . ." (JD 7:202) – "a perfect law of theocracy." (Joseph Smith's Teachings, p. 322.) Presently, it is the government of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-God's kingdom here on earth. Eventually, when the kingdom embraces the earth, when ". . . every knee should bow, . . . and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, . . ." (Phil. 2:10-11) I sincerely expect priesthood will be the governing world power. Can man devise a better system of laws and government?

Priesthood is responsibility. Jesus has given the responsibility of this earth. Absenting himself, he left his kingdom here on earth in the hands of his officers-those who hold the priesthood. The kingdom is no stronger nor better than its officers. President Wilford Woodruff said, "The highest calling the Lord ever called any human being to in any age of the world, has been to receive the Holy Priesthood, with its keys and powers." (Wilford Woodruff, Millennial Star 58:305, April 5, 1896.) When men take a priesthood calling, they covenant to magnify it; they take upon them the obligation to labor with zeal and energy in their particular calling. (D&C 84:109, 110; 107:99-100.)

President Joseph F. Smith asked: "Will you who hold the priesthood profane the name of Deity? Would you be riotous, and eat and drink with the drunken . . . ? Would you . . . forget your prayers and fail to remember the Giver of all good? Would you . . . violate the confidence and the love of God . . . ? Would you . . . dishonor your wife or your children? . . . Will you honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy? Will you observe the law of tithing and all the requirements of the gospel? Will you carry with you at all times the spirit of prayer and the desire to be good? Will you teach your children the principles of life and salvation? . . ." (The Improvement Era 21, 105-106.)

Sometimes men relax and treat their priesthood responsibilities lightly in the home, failing to teach their families the gospel, failing to have family prayers, failing to use the priesthood when sickness uninvitingly stalks the home. Husbands and sons are sometimes lax in their duties because they lack the cooperation and encouragement of their wives and mothers.

The sisters would do well, if, following the counsel of the Prophet, they provoked their husbands and sons to do good works (Relief Society minutes, March 17, 1842)-priesthood works. Husbands, rightfully and scripturally too, are the family heads (Eph. 5:23) – its priests and its spokesmen. The wives, thanks be to God, are the family hearts.

"There is a center in each home from which all joys must start.
"That center? It is a mother's heart."

With love and kindness and with tact, of course, the heart can usually sway the head-even into priesthood activity. Such endeavor is expected of our sisters.
The subject of this talk could well be – For Men Only. Priesthood is for men only – it is not conferred upon women. The sisters may be set apart as officers in the priesthood auxiliaries, but they are never ordained to office in the priesthood. They do not share the priesthood with their husbands, fathers, or sons. They do share the blessings of the priesthood with their husbands, fathers, or sons. They do share the blessings with their husbands; sealed in a temple, they go along hand in hand with them toward exaltation, finally reigning as "queens and priestesses" with their husbands who become "kings and Priests." (D&C 94:41.)

Infrequently a sister asks: Why can't we (sisters) hold the Priesthood? My answer: If and when he whose business priesthood is wants you to hold it, he will let his prophet know. Until then there is nothing we can do about it. [It's a nice way of saying that it's not going to happen. If a woman wants to hold the Priesthood, then she can give her father, husband, or son a hug. They need lots of hugs.]

Priesthood is God's greatest gift to his children, save perhaps the gift of his Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Some may rate the gift of mortality, followed by immortality and the promise of eternal life as a greater gift. Priesthood, being an eternal principle, existed before mortality. Immortality is the state of resurrected souls. Did the resurrection act involve an ordinance of the priesthood-a necessary ordinance presently unrevealed? Certainly the resurrection act is another manifestation of the great power of the priesthood. May I ask – how can we achieve eternal life without the blessings and ordinances of the priesthood?

The power of the Melchizedek Priesthood is to have the power of "endless lives," said the Prophet Joseph Smith. ". . . And all those," he said, "who are ordained unto this priesthood are made like unto the Son of God, abiding a priest continually." (Heb. 7:3. Inspired Version.) He further said, "Those holding the fulness of the Melchizedek Priesthood are kings and priests of the Most High God, holding the keys of power and blessing." Our Lord appraised this wonderful gift in these words:

". . . all they who receive this priesthood receive me, . . .
"And he that receiveth me receiveth my Father;
"And he that receiveth my Father receiveth my Father's kingdom; therefore all that my Father hath shall be given unto him." (D&C 84:35, 37-38.)

No mortal man will ever realize all of the blessings in this great promise as he dwells here in this mundane period of our everlasting lives, but by reason of priesthood which is attained and honored, we have God's promise that sometime we may become like unto God. ". . . all that my Father hath shall be given unto him." (D&C 84:38.) Incidentally, God had something to say about those who do not honor their priesthood. I have not time to inject his dour warning into my remarks today. All who hold the priesthood, however, should read what he said.

To you who bear the priesthood, may I say: In an inventory of your possessions - physical, mental, spiritual, and financial - priesthood, if honored, may be your greatest asset; it could be the best investment you ever made. It costs you nothing; its dividends can be fabulous. Appraise it honestly and list it high up among your assets on your life's balance sheet. And you who are not honoring your priesthood, debit it high up on the liability side of your life's balance sheet. It could well be your greatest liability. You could, sooner or later, find yourself bankrupt in the kingdom of God. As of this day, is your priesthood an asset or a liability?

I bear testimony regarding the power of the priesthood in our restored Church in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


I could go on and on and on. The search engine brought up over 500 quotes, and that was just for one search. If I change the search parameter, I would get (and have gotten) thousands of more quotes, just like these – all of them telling us in one way or another that Priesthood Ordinations are ONLY for the fathers or the males.

That's quite a revelation!

What I am trying to do here is to show the Ordain Women crowd that the revelation that they have asked for has already been given to them; but, they refuse to look at it, seek it, see it, understand it, and accept it.

Revelation? They don't want revelation. Instead, they want to be told exactly what they want to hear. They have already received thousands of revelations concerning the matter, and they have rejected every one of them. They're not combing through Ensigns looking for revelations from God, because they really don't want revelations from God. If they truly wanted revelations from God, then they would have done what I just did and went searching for them among the writings of the LDS General Authorities.

What are they doing instead? They are tossing the dice hoping to get lucky. They get a revelation from the Prophet of God telling them what they don't want to hear, and then they tell the Prophet that that is the wrong revelation and to go back to the Lord and get another one. They intend to keep sending the Prophet back to the Lord year after year for another revelation, until they finally get the revelation that they are seeking.

I keep praying, and searching, and asking for revelations on this subject; and, they keep coming.

The Ordain Women groups are NOT posting articles and messages like these on the front pages and the tops of their websites. They want these kinds of things hidden from view.

Truth? They can't handle the truth, because they don't want the truth. Instead, their goal is to distort the truth. They know what the truth already is, but then they distort it in order to make it say something else. That's the ironic thing. They already know what the truth really is, but they are seeking to establish something else instead.

They aren't really looking for the truth; and consequently, they will never find it or have it. If they get what they want or take what they want, in the end, it won't be The Truth; it won't be the way things really are in Heaven. You must seek before you will find. You must knock, before the mysteries of it will be opened unto you. But, when it comes to the truth (the way things really are in Heaven), they want something else instead.